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How Children Fail (букинист)

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Тип книги:
печ. книга
Holt John
A Delta Book
Формат книги
202x135x13 мм
0.18 кг
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
Кол-во стр
Тип книги:
печ. книга
Причина уценки: Обложка частично оторвана от текстового блока, потёртости, замятия

Civilized life places us in a great variety of relationships with people. We buy from some and sell to others; play with some, fight with others. We know people as friends, relatives, policemen. One person is our doctor, another an uncle, a teacher, wife, father, daughter. Some of these relationships are formal, structured, definitive; others are loose, ill-defined, spontaneous. Some are superficial and thin, others involve our deepest feelings.

Contemporary psychological thought has come to stress the importance of exploring and understanding these relationships. The basic quality of our emotional maturity, we now realize, is largely the result of the events shaping the history of one of these relationships: that between parent and child. Defined almost as a testing ground for our personal adjustment, the marital relationship has become another major area of study.

Another relationship of great importance to the growth of the individual - and of even greater importance to the good of society - still cries out for study but remains generally neglected. Despite the fact that millions of children and thousands of adults are daily pressed into a student-teacher relationship, we know very little about their interactions and the influences they have on each other.
How Children Fail (букинист)
How Children Fail (букинист) -
Civilized life places us in a great variety of relationships with people. We buy from some and sell to others; play with some, fight with others. We know people as friends, relatives, policemen. One person is our doctor, another an uncle, a teacher, wife, father, daughter. Some of these...