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Psychotherapy and The everyday life. A guide for the puzzled consumer (букинист)

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Тип книги:

печ. книга


Budick Emily , Aronzon Rami
Karnac Books
Формат книги
229x147x17 мм
0.35 кг
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
Кол-во стр

Тип книги:

печ. книга


Причина уценки: Книга не новая, но в хорошем состоянии

Psychotherapy and the Everyday Life is neither a textbook in the theory or practice of psychotherapy, nor is it a self-help manual. It is also not an autobiographical narrative— although it has something in common with all of these genres of writing. This book is primarily, as its subtitle suggests, A Guide for the Puzzled Consumer. It is intended to help a variety of individuals with differing relationships to the field of psychotherapy to negotiate its somewhat perplexing and slippery terrain.

First and foremost this book is written to serve as a guide for prospective and beginning patients of psychotherapeutic intervention of the particular kind known as psychoanalytic or psychodynamic psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy (hereafter also referred to simply as psychotherapy) is the kind of therapy that most closely follows Freud's own dynamic model of mind, both in theory and in practice. This is so despite its important differences from Freudian psychoanlysis, which we will also be detailing (the title of our book echoes a famous work by Freud). Psychotherapy and the Everyday Life is intended to help individuals.

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